This isn’t a war,” said the artilleryman.
“It never was a war, any more than there’s war between man and ants.
– H.G.Wells, War of the Worlds
This isn’t a war,” said the artilleryman.
“It never was a war, any more than there’s war between man and ants.
– H.G.Wells, War of the Worlds
Thompson River
5″ x 7″
Gouache on Paper
Some sketches of a group of astronauts exploring in the outer reaches of the asteroid belt.
A quick sketch inspired by some great work done by John Berkey over the years.
6″ X 6″
Oil on Paper
Winter is one of my favorite seasons to capture in paint. I am looking forward to getting out during this upcoming season.
This is a painting that recently sold this summer at the Radius Gallery in Missoula, MT.
“Chinese Wall”
5″ x 7″
Gouache on Illustration Board
“Cabin Creek”
5″ x 7″
Gouache on Illustration Board
“Moose Creek”
5″ x 7″
Gouache on Illustration Board
“Wilderness Meadow”
5″ x 7″
Gouache on Illustration Board
“Cabin Creek Cliffs”
5″ x 7″
Gouache on Illustration Board
“Summer Aspens”
5″ x 7″
Gouache on Illustration Board
“Boulder Field”
5″ x 7″
Gouache on Illustration Board
“The Chinese Wall”
5″ x 7″
Gouache on Illustration Board
“Sun River”
5″ x 7″
Gouache on Illustration Board
Here is a batch of new plein air paintings I completed this last week on a horseback trip into the Bob Marshall Wilderness. Our trip started out in Augusta, we then rode up and camped close to the Chinese Wall. These paintings were completed at different points along the journey. All of the paintings are gouache/watercolor on illustration board.